Sunday, May 27, 2012

This Week @ St.John

St. Johns' living WWII veterans represent each of the four branches of the service; Ervin Kuhlmann served in the Army, Richard Butler in the Marine Corps, Robert Stoltze, Sr. in the Army Air Force, and Lloyd Pautsch in the Navy. Pictured with them is Bob Stoltze Jr., St. John's congregational President and Chaplain of Charter Oak's American Legion Post.
St. Johns American Legion members also honored the wives of WWII veterans in our congregation. Pictured here are Frances Wiegel (for Roy Wiegel), Ruth Kuhlmann for Edgar Kuhlmann, Esther Remmes for Robert Remmes, Ruth Schmieder for Bernard Schmieder, Amy Wiegel for Laverne Wiegel, and Arlene Schroeder for Ray Schroeder.
COU 2012 graduate Emily Pautsch plays Taps after the 21 gun salute.

Pastor in Wisconsin this week until May 30 
  • MON MAY 28/Memorial Day- Office closed 
  • SUN JUNE 3- 8:00am Adult Bible Study
    • 9:00am Worship with Communion (LWML Mite Box Sunday)
Sunday, May 27 St. John observed Armed Forces Sunday. Members of the American Legion read the Roll Call of Deceased Veterans, recognized living WWII veterans of out congregation and the surviving surviving souses of WWII veterans. After worship, they decorated a memorial to unknown soldiers on the sidewalk in front of the church and gave a 21 gun salute to our deceased veterans.

Here are two opportunities to support ministries to current members of our armed services and their families, follow the links below to find out more about these ministries or to contribute directly to them-

Sunday, May 27 St. John collected a free-will offering for Military Bible Sticks. The Military BibleStick is a digital audio player that is pre-loaded with a dramatized recording of the entire New Testament

That same Sunday, there was also an bulletin insert for the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, which includes recruiting, training, and endorsing military chaplains, providing copies of Portals of Prayer to service men & women, and helping military personnel and their families adjust to life after deployment with Operation Barnabas.

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