Sunday, September 02, 2012

First Day of Sunday School

(NET) Hebrews 10:11-12 "And every priest stands day after day serving and offering the same sacrifices again and again - sacrifices that can never take! away sins.But when this priest had offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, he sat down at the right hand of God"

7-8th Graders this week compared and contrasted Exodus 35-40, when God directed the Israelites to construct the tabernacle with Hebrews 9-10, where the Author (possibly Peter) makes clear that Jesus is our new high priest AND He Himself is the once-and-for-all sacrifice for our sins, so that we no longer need a daily animal sacrifice.

Bethany & Ted Mallory are the new Junior High Sunday School teachers. Both attended Concordia University, Nebraska where they received Lutheran Teaching Diplomas. Before returning to Iowa, they taught at Los Angeles Lutheran Jr/Sr High school (now Concordia Lutheran MS/HS). Bethany was the Jr Hi Religion teacher there and later Spiritual Life Director. Bethany now Teaches English and is Elementary Guidance Counselor for Maple Valley Schools in Mapleton and Ted teaches Civics, Art and Yearbook at Boyer Valley in Dunlap.

Our hope is to help St.John students to grow in their relationship with God. We want to help take God's Word from their heads to their hearts.Please pray for us and for our students this year.So that God will become real to these kids so that they will want to continue growing in their faith long after Pastor confirms them. Thank You.

Seventh Graders:
Connor Beeck
Alayna Castillo
Riley Elwell
Jordyn Pester

Eighth Graders:
Jesse Hupp
Allison Maack
Grace Mallory
Hallie Neddermeyer
Travis Pautsch
Dalton Smith
Emily Steffen

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