Sunday, September 03, 2017

This Week @ St.John

The new slide at the St.John playground
  • MON 9/4- Offices Closed; Happy Labor Day
  • TUES 9/5- 6:30am Men's Bible Study
    • 4:00pm LWML 
  • WED 9/6- 3:30pm Confirmation Classes resume
    • MENTORS- Especially because we may be blessed with new students who come from non-member and un-churched families, we're seeking adults (couples or singles) who would take confirmation students under their wing, pray for them regularly and encourage them in their faith. See more details in the Sunday bulletin. If you would be interested, please let Pastor or the church office know. Thank you.
    • 7:00pm ReformationWalk cast rehearsal
  • SAT 9/9- 6:00pm Worship with Communion at St. Paul
  • SUN 9/10- "Rally Sunday" Sunday School resumes, teachers installed, 5th Graders will receive copies of Luther's Small Catechism which they can use in Confirmation classes and 1st Graders will receive Bibles.
    • 8:45am Adult Bible Class
    • 10:00am Worship
    • 11:00am Finance Board Mtg.
    • 1:00pm Pastor preaching at Denison Care Center
    • 2:00pm Pastor preaching at Eventide
    • 2:45pm Pastor preaching at Silveridge
  • TUES SEP 12- 6:30pm Rural Ministry Meeting  held here at St.John, The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the future of ministry in in this area, including small rural congregations like our neighbors in the Ricketts Triple Parish, as well as those like our own and St. Paul Ute.
  • SUN SEP 17- Mission Lunch & "Reformation Walk"

  • MEETING OUR NEEDS- Please notice in the weekly bulletin the "WEEKLY REPORT" on offering, The first amount is what was received in offerings the previous week ($1,863.09). The number in parentheses ($3,588.47) represents how much is needed to meet our budgeted needs including things like utilities, insurance, and maintenance. God wants us to be cheerful givers (2 Corinthians 9:6-7); this report isn't included in the weekly bulletin because our situation is dire or to create guilt, but to remind us that prayer, participation, attendance and giving are all part of "stewardship." We are all called to be stewards of God's church, and the time, talents, and resources He has blessed us with.

    We ARE the church, not just customers of the church. You ARE St.John, Charter Oak. Please attend regularly, invite your family and neighbors to too. Please ask God how He can use you as a more active participant. Would that be as simple as attending Bible class or serving as a greeter, usher or acolyte? Or something more involved like helping with Sunday School, Confirmation or VBS? Would you like to become a part of LWML, quilting or helping provide for funeral meals? Perhaps God can use you on the altar committee, church council or as a trustee or elder?

    Ask God how He can use your time, talents or treasure. See what God can do through you, how you can not merely attend church but BE the church and thereby help share the with open arms, the love of Christ.

    If you're open to serving on a committee or as an officer, please speak to Brian Pautsch or another member of the Nominating Committee. If you'd like to discuss ways in which you can contribute financially to the ministries of St.John beyond the offering plate on Sunday mornings, please speak with Treasurer Becky Dorale. Or talk with Pastor Merrill about anyways in which God can use you as a steward of the gifts He's given you.
  • HURRICANE HARVEY HELP- Sunday, September 10 we will be taking a free-will door offering for those affected by the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. We will send the funds to the LCMS~IDW district office and 100% of the money will be sent to Texas and Southern LCMS districts. Checks should be made payable to "Iowa District West Disaster Relief." Let's remember our brothers and sisters whose lives have been uprooted by this storm. You may also give online to LCMS World Relief at

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